Lindy Wilson is a South African documentary film-maker whose films have been broadcast locally and internationally. Through her films she has chartered graphic aspects of South Africa’s history under apartheid and its transition to democracy and has recorded its capacity to face the gross human rights atrocities of the past through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Her films are used as archival witness in universities and museums.
For Which I Am Prepared To Die, documentary-feature.
The Guguletu Seven, documentary-feature.
UNBANNED: The Films South Africans Were Not Allowed to See
A Question of the Heart (script-writer)
A Travelling Song, documentary.
The Mont Fleur Scenarios, educational documentary.
Robben Island Our University, documentary.
Out of Despair - Ithuseng, documentary
Last Supper in Hortsley Street, documentary
Crossroads, documentary. 2020
by Spaceacre